12 Reasons to Join Nevada Business Directory vs. Vegas Chamber of Commerce

12 Reasons to Join Nevada Business Directory vs. Vegas Chamber of Commerce


Last updated: Feb 2025

Nevada Business Directory vs. Vegas Chamber of Commerce

Vegas Chamber of Commerce Reviews by Nevada Business Directory

In their literature, one of the most prominent selling points of the Vegas Chamber is their age of existence. 110 years! Wow? Is that number supposed to be impressive or an acknowledgement that their way of doing business and promoting its various Nevada business members is also archaic?

What is more certain, however, is that the Vegas Chamber of Commerce seemingly relies upon an out-dated model in helping its members. The most over-promoted tool that the Vegas Chamber of Commerce promotes is that they claim to have operated for over 100 years.

The President and CEO of the Vegas Chamber of Commerce is Mary Beth Sewald. She has put forth admirable efforts. However, she has consistently failed to make free-throws when the game is on the line when it comes to innovation, and promotion of Nevada businesses.

The Vegas Chamber of Commerce has failed in the 4th quarter, time and time again, despite having an enormous lead of over 100 years. It is a fading dinosaur.

Slow To Accept New Technology: Vegas Chamber of Commerce

Vegas Chamber of Commerce Reviews by Nevada Business Directory

When was the last time you, as a reader of this Nevada Business Directory, purchased a new phone, a new car, a new software tool? I would bet that it was within the last 10 years at least, if not sooner.

Technology changes overtime. The first-generation iPhone was announced by former Apple CEO Steve Jobs on January 9, 2007. Less than 15 year later, the Apple iPhone 12 series was released.

When there is no competition, there is no need to invent, and to become better. Other than adding more sparkling graphics and filling its seats with old-timers, the Vegas Chamber of Commerce has not really changed too much in the past 100 years of its boring service.

For example, the font style on the website of the Vegas Chamber has been constant and non-changing over the course of decades. It is not even styled.

Neither has the wardrobe of Mary Beth Sewald. chamged very much. That is the type of monotone, boring, one-style, service that members of the Vegas Chamber of Commercie are apparently accustomed to. More membership fees, less creativity.

Neither has the wardrobe of Vegas Chamber of Commerce President Mary Beth Sewald changed significantly over the past few years. She looks as tired and worn-down as her clothing.

Vegas Chamber of Commerce: Only the Privileged Need Apply

Vegas Chamber of Commerce Reviews by Nevada Business Directory

Over 70% of the members of the Vegas Chamber of Commerce are still reliant upon China for manufactured goods and products. The Nevada Business Directory has and continues to reject the Made-in-China label.

One thing for sure: there will never be any rumors that Mary Beth Sewald and Steve Wynn were after each other. Mr. Wynn has a fine eye for women.

The Vegas Chamber of Commerce is for the privileged, the entitled, the clique networking team, and persons who were fed a silver spoon at birth.

Vegas Chamber of Commerce: No place for Medium-to-Small Nevada Business Owners

Nevada Business Directory vs. Vegas Chamber of Commerce

Vegas Chamber of Commerce. In looking at their exorbitant membership prices, is the Vegas Chamber of Commerce a place for for Medium-to-Small Nevada Business Owners or just for multi-million dollar casinos, and Fortune 500 companies?

The small business owner remains invisible in the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce. Your voice will never be heard unless you pay the fees to join the President's Club, or Hookers Club or whatever club.

The Nevada Business Directory represents the hard-working businessman and businesswoman, persons who actually have to do real work instead of being handed a paycheck for more mediocrity.

Look at the website of the Vegas Chamber of Commerce. One would think at the rate of nearly $600 in annual fees, they could hire a better website designer. Oops, I forgot the person(s) they hired was based upon connections instead of quality; or, they needs to save expenses inorder to make that personal mortgage payment or take that next vacation.

The same type of monotone, non-styed font is the sort of boring, one-style, service that members of the Vegas Chamber of Commercie are apparently accustomed to. More membership fees, less creativity.

The Official Nevada Business Directory vs. Vegas Chamber of Commerce, A relic of the past

Nevada Business Directory vs. Henderson Chamber of Commerce

To this very day, the Vegas Chamber of Commerce only solicits " the Southern Nevada community!" Is there some secret agreement not to step upon the toes of the Reno-Sparks Chamber of Commerce, or the Henderson Chamber of Commerce?

The Offical Nevada Business Directory, by contrast, serves all of Nevada. We support any and all business in the state of Nevada, as well as business that solicts customers in Nevada.

The Vegas Chamber of Commerce has NOT kept up with the current times just as the Better Business Bureau and the old Yellow Pages Directory are a thing of the past.

What this article is not, a roadmap of defects, flaws, or short-comings of the Vegas Chamber of Commerce. Many comments will not be included because it is the responsibility of the Vegas Chamber of Commerce to police its own quality, or lack thereof.

Today, we have Google Reviews, Yelp Reviews, and Nevada Business Directory views that generate immediate search rank performance.

Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce vs. Nevada Business Directory. Who Showed Cowardice During Covid-19?

The drooling, aged, tired, and gasping Vegas Chamber of Commerce vs. the superior, energetic, and more agile Nevada Business Directory.

Let's look at a few more facts. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, which organization hunkered behind closed doors, allowed the Chinese Virus to dictate their business operations, refused to allow visitors, closed all traffic to the public?

Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce CEO, and President, Mary Beth Sewald ran in her bedroom wearing her pink panties with her skirt tucked between her thighs. She sought shelter from the Chinese-created coronavirus instead of declaring war.

Like a true warrior and soldier, the Nevada Business Directory, kept promoting its membership base 24 by 7, put it's foot in the sand, and declared that the promotion of all member businesses would continue short of a full-blown nuclear war. The nuclear weapon did not take place, of course.

Unlike the Vegas Chamber of Commerce, we do not cower to viruses, pandemics, national emergencies. The show goes on. The war continues.

12 Reasons Not to Join The Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce

Below are 12 Reasons Not to Join the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce

Nevada Business Directory Report
Top 12 Reasons Not to Join Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce
Publisher: Mark Edwards
Vegas Chamber of Commerce vs. Nevada Business Directory
Top 12 Reasons to Ditch Vegas Chamber of Commerce
Vegas Chamber cc vs. Nevada Business DirectoryMore Costs. $599 per year vs. substantially less to join The Official Nevada Business Directory
Vegas Chamber cc vs. Nevada Business Directory Less Service; Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce offers cookie-cutter services that do not apply to all Nevada businesses
Vegas Chamber cc vs. Nevada Business Directory Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce is not open 24 hours per day, 7 days of the week. No person or employee of the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce is going to re-tweet your announcment past 7pm on the weekend, or coordinate your important annoucement for East vs. West time zones, etc.
Vegas Chamber cc vs. Nevada Business Directory Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce is not led by military veterans, and therefore lacks a warrior mentality. Vegas Chamber of Commerce shut down during Covid-19 pandemic while Nevada Business Directory stayed open and continued to promotes its members.
Vegas Chamber cc vs. Nevada Business Directory Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce uses it age (over 100 years in existence) as a primary solicitation tool because of the fact that it has no other advantage with regard to the explicit promotion and growth of its member businesses
Vegas Chamber cc vs. Nevada Business Directory Archaic-thinking style. Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce is still reliant upon old-style thinking without acknowledging the fact that few persons are going to benefit from a 15% discount on office supplies bought at worn-out Office Depot.
Vegas Chamber cc vs. Nevada Business Directory The Las Vegas Chamber of Commere does not provide superior 300-word SEO content writers for each of its members, and instead simply allows one-liners to be updated to its page in the form of a Press-Release, Event Announcement, etc.
Vegas Chamber cc vs. Nevada Business Directory The Las Vegas Chamber of Commere has very little incentive to be innovative or creative. The leaders and executive officers of the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce have not invented one superior marketing method for its members in over 100 years of its existence and still refers member-businesses like the old-fashioned Yellow Pages.
Vegas Chamber cc vs. Nevada Business Directory The Las Vegas Chamber of Commere is not agile like the Lion in the jungle. It cannot make decisions within a moment's notice. It requires weeks and weeks of meetings. Today's busineses need their requests acted upon immediately, within minutes, not weeks.
Vegas Chamber cc vs. Nevada Business Directory In keeping with its 100-year age or grandmother-mentality, the Las Vegas Chamber of Commere only represents and seeks Southern Nevada or Las Vegas-based members. The Nevada Business Directory does not exclude businesses from out-side the state of Nevada. The Nevada Business Directory accepts members from Henderson, Nevada; Sparks, NV; North Las Vegas, NV; Reno, Nv; Sparks, NV; and all countries, and states of the U.S.A. seeking a digital footprint in Nevada.
Vegas Chamber cc vs. Nevada Business Directory The Las Vegas Chamber of Commere is largely for the privileged, the business owners that were fed with a silver or gold-spoon in the mouth from birth. The small, mom-and-pop type business owners who are not members of the Presidents Club will have little to no voice. The Vegas Chamber of Commerce uses a commercial caste-type system that values business input based upon paying additional fees; e.g., The President's Club. The Nevada Business Directory provides the same quality of services regardless of business size.
Vegas Chamber cc vs. Nevada Business Directory The Las Vegas Chamber of Commere uses a commercial caste-type system that values business input based upon paying additional fees and/or being appointed to prestigious positions; e.g., The President's Club. The Nevada Business Directory provides the same quality of services regardless of business size. All Nevada Business Directory members are valued regardless of size, revenue, or gender of owner.